my sisters

Years ago I celebrated my girlfriends in an article I wrote for  Today it was re-published at  You can see it here.

Deb, Me, Krista, and Alex.  I love all three of you, my sisters.

Deb, Me, Krista, and Alex. I love all three of you, my sisters.

8 thoughts on “my sisters

  1. Krista Golden says:

    Awwww – I love you too! And am thankful each and every day that we were brought together. When I reflect over the past 15 years of our friendship, and ALL the trials and tribulations that EACH of us have gone through, I’m reminded how that “scaffolding” of friendship has been there each and every time. It is truly a blessing.

  2. Deb Tegthof says:

    This makes me cry every time I read it…so touching.

    Love you! D

  3. Alex Lytle says:

    Wow, those women must really be awesome!

  4. Alex Lytle says:

    Oh, and of course all the sappy stuff we all know I’m thinking but can’t say right now 🙂

  5. letkindshine says:

    Hi Kate: I love women for one. I have them on Facebook and love all the inspiring messages they post daily. I love your story it’s beautiful and I’m sure it has helped and touched another life out there.

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